Moon's Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘HVAC’

What Is a “Smart” Thermostat?

Monday, July 8th, 2024

Today’s home climate control options are far beyond what used to be possible. New high-efficiency air conditioners use new materials, variable-speed motors, and multi-phase compressors to keep homes cool with much less energy. Heat pumps can do all that as well as heating homes in the winter. And then there’s smart technology.

Smart technology means more advanced computer systems being integrated into all sorts of household items. One product that has a major impact on home climate control is the smart thermostat. What is a smart thermostat? What makes it different from other thermostats? How does it work? Is it worth investing in? Let’s explore some answers.

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Common False Alarm HVAC Service Calls to Look Out For

Monday, July 24th, 2023

HVAC problems pop up from time to time, but not every problem requires a repair call. Sometimes you can get a false alarm from your air conditioner or heater that looks to be catastrophic, but the fix might be right in front of you. Today, we’re here to help you discern those from real emergencies.

While there’s a big chance you’ll need HVAC service in Shreveport for the majority of your AC and heater problems, these ones are a bit different.

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