Moon's Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Haughton’

What Is a “Smart” Thermostat?

Monday, July 8th, 2024

Today’s home climate control options are far beyond what used to be possible. New high-efficiency air conditioners use new materials, variable-speed motors, and multi-phase compressors to keep homes cool with much less energy. Heat pumps can do all that as well as heating homes in the winter. And then there’s smart technology.

Smart technology means more advanced computer systems being integrated into all sorts of household items. One product that has a major impact on home climate control is the smart thermostat. What is a smart thermostat? What makes it different from other thermostats? How does it work? Is it worth investing in? Let’s explore some answers.

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Why You Can’t Afford to Not Have an Air Purifier in Your Home

Monday, March 18th, 2024

As a homeowner, surely you find that there are always expenses around your home. Some of them are pretty consistent, like your internet bill. Some are more variable, like heating and cooling costs. And some crop up very unexpectedly, like the need to replace a major appliance such as your refrigerator. It can seem like you should do anything you can to avoid extra expenses.

What we don’t always realize is just how much it can cost to avoid spending money! One of the things people are most reluctant to invest in is anything to do with their own well-being. Paying for your kids to go to soccer camp probably seems more important than your personal health. But you can’t afford to keep putting your health last. It will end up costing you more! A home air purifier can actually save you money. Here’s how.

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How to Prepare Your Home for a New Heater Installation

Monday, March 4th, 2024

Congratulations on choosing a new heating system for your home and scheduling an installation! We expect you’ll be happy with your new heater. Compared to your old one, it will probably be more effective, more efficient, and less likely to encounter troubles or require repairs, just because it’s brand-new.

But first, you have to get through the installation process. Are you ready? Do you know what to expect? There are a few things you can do to prepare your home so that your heating installation will go as quickly and smoothly as possible. Here are our tips.

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Why Isn’t Your Heating System Staying on Long Enough?

Monday, November 28th, 2022
Technician working on a thermostat.

You touch the thermostat and your heater turns on, bringing warm, comforting air throughout your home. You still feel chilly a little while later and check the thermostat. For some reason, your home isn’t at the temperature you set it to, and the heater is off. You try turning it on again, and the same thing happens.

Your heater isn’t staying on long enough to get the job done. It could be one of several problems, so let’s talk through the most common ones and find out whether or not you’ll need heating repair in Haughton, LA.

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When Are Repairs Just Not Worth It to Keep an AC Going?

Monday, September 19th, 2022

As we come to the end of the summer, many of us are going to confront a conundrum with our air conditioning systems: they’ve lasted for many years and are showing signs they’ll soon need a replacement. Repairs are still a possibility, however. So what is the best approach: replace the AC before the system hits a major decline, or try to push the cooling system for a few more years with repairs?

There is no simple answer we can provide in this post because the situation differs from home to home, AC to AC. Our best advice is to contact our expert technicians and ask them to examine your air conditioning system. They can provide you with an answer about whether to arrange for AC repair in Haughton, LA or schedule a replacement.

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Why Does My AC Cost So Much More to Run Now?

Monday, July 11th, 2022

You’ve seen your first set of bills for the summer after you started running your air conditioning system in Haughton, LA—and you don’t like what you see. The bills have risen higher than you expected, even factoring in possible increases in the cost of electricity. You glance at your air conditioner because it’s what has changed since summer started. Why is the AC suddenly costing more to run than before?

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Don’t Leak Leaky Ducts Steal From You This Summer!

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

Do you know that you may have a thief hiding in your house right now? A silent thief disguised in the walls and lurking in the attic. A thief who can steal money from you the whole season—each time you turn on your air conditioning system, in fact.

This thief is leaky air ducts, and it’s a common problem found in many homes. You don’t see most of the ductwork in your house, so it’s easy to miss trouble with ducts losing air at first or to misdiagnose what’s happening. The good news is that if you know how to identify the signs of this thief, you can get rid of him easily: just call our professionals to test your ducts and seal those leaks.

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And Now Let’s Talk About Prepping Your AC in Spring…

Monday, March 21st, 2022

In our previous post, we addressed concerns about your heating system at the end of the winter season. Today, we’re switching topics entirely, because spring has officially arrived and it’s now time to think about warmer weather. And that means talking about your air conditioning system.

We rely heavily on our home air conditioning systems during the middle of the year, and you’ve certainly put plenty of “miles” on your AC (unless you just had a new one installed). All this wear can cause problems for any AC unless it has professional attention to inspect, adjust, clean, and generally tune it up before the major heat arrives. In other words, now is the best time to call our team at Moon’s Air for air conditioning maintenance in Haughton, LA, or elsewhere in the Shreveport Area. 

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Why Won’t My Heat Pump Change to Heating Mode?

Monday, January 24th, 2022

Heat pumps offer many great advantages to homeowners. But the best one, the one that made most people want to get a heat pump installed in the first place, is that heat pumps can work as both air conditioning and heating systems. All it takes to change a heat pump from one mode to the other is a thermostat adjustment. 

Except when, for some reason, a heat pump doesn’t change mode. Heat pumps can run afoul of malfunctions, just like any other piece of HVAC equipment, and if your heat pump is trapped in cooling mode or it’s only sending out room temperature air, you’ll wonder if you need to call the Moon’s Air team for heating repair in Haughton, LA

We’ll take a look at why you may have a heat pump in this predicament. 

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The Cracked Heat Exchanger Is a Serious Problem for a Gas Furnace!

Monday, January 10th, 2022

Gas furnaces are designed with safety as a top priority. As long as you schedule regular furnace service in Haughton, LA each year to have your gas furnace inspected and maintained, there’s very little chance that the furnace will develop any hazardous malfunctions. You can enjoy many years of cozy warmth in your home without concern about the safety of the furnace.

However, it pays to know a bit more about the ways a furnace might develop unsafe operation. The most common concern is a cracked heat exchanger, which may occur in an older furnace or one that hasn’t received regular maintenance. We’ll explain this situation in detail below.

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