Are You Ready for Your Heat Pump Installation?

February 17th, 2025

You’re getting a heat pump? That’s wonderful news! You’re definitely going to be delighted with it. You can’t beat the efficiency, and these days, there are such cutting-edge new materials and manufacturing techniques, you’ll also have unbelievable comfort all year round. That is as long as you have it professionally installed. 

Professional installation is key to avoiding future problems with your heat pump and frequent repair needs. You’ve got a reliable and top-notch team coming to replace your old system with your new heat pump? That’s great to hear! Want to be as prepared as possible for when the installers arrive? Here’s how to get ready for your new heat pump installation.

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Carbon Monoxide Kills! Keep Your Family Safe

February 3rd, 2025

There’s nothing more important than the safety and wellness of your loved ones. Sometimes, life is unpredictable, and dangers and worries occur without warning. But there are other dangers you can take effective precautions against! You don’t need to be concerned about carbon monoxide poisoning if you know you have reliable CO detectors. If you’re not sure, we can help!

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What Services Do HVAC Contractors Offer?

January 20th, 2025

Perhaps you’re a new homeowner eager to take good care of your HVAC system, or you’re concerned you may have been overlooking some important services in your home maintenance routine. Maybe you haven’t had to call an HVAC contractor before, and now that you’re having a problem with something, all those HVAC services and providers seem overwhelming.

We’re here to help! At Moon’s Air, we cover a huge variety of home care needs. And we believe that a knowledgeable customer is a customer who will make the best possible choices and be happy with their HVAC system in the long run. So let’s get to it! What exactly are the services you can have provided by an HVAC contractor? We’ll tell you all about it.

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Furnace Replacement: The 50% Rule or the 5000 Rule?

January 6th, 2025

When an older furnace needs repair, it’s important to stop and assess the situation. Is it really worth repairing it? Would you be better off getting a new heating system, if your furnace is old enough that it probably won’t last much longer anyway? How can you tell? There are a couple of different methods for determining whether a furnace should be repaired, or if replacement would be a better choice.

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How Long Does Heating System Replacement Take?

December 23rd, 2024

Having your heating system replaced is the sort of thing you only have to do every decade or two. It’s kind of a big deal to a homeowner. But we do it every day.

You may have questions and concerns about heating system replacement. We have answers and information! What’s involved? How long does it take? We’ll tell you.

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Our Indoor Air Quality FAQ

December 9th, 2024

Did you know that the air inside your home contains many more contaminants than the air outside? Well—on average, at least—it’s true. But during the winter months, we’re not able to air out our homes very often without paying a lot extra for heat. And it’s also the season when we’re most likely to encounter germs like the cold and flu!

What can we do to breathe fewer contaminants and germs without letting all the heat out of our homes? There are great ways to improve your indoor air quality or “IAQ,” and an air purifier is at the top of the list. Here’s an IAQ FAQ for you.

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Repair or Replace Your Old Furnace?

November 25th, 2024

Yes, this is Louisiana, and for much of the year, our weather is hot and steamy. We don’t need our heating systems up and running from September through May like they might in the northern reaches of the US. But we do need them! Average low temperatures in January are in the upper 30s, which means it often gets significantly colder than that. It’s not just a matter of comfort, it’s a matter of safety, and not having frozen pipes burst in the night!

We simply can’t do without reliable heat. When a furnace is getting on in years, needs a costly repair, or doesn’t ever seem to work as effectively or efficiently as it used to, it needs to be replaced. Do you need a new furnace installed? Or is the old one still worth repairing? Let’s take a closer look and figure it out.

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Get Your Ducts Cleaned for Fresher Air This Winter

November 11th, 2024

During the long winter months, things can get a little stuffy in your home. You’ll be running the heat, keeping the windows closed, and breathing the same air as it cycles through your HVAC system over and over again. And whatever is in your ducts will simply cycle through over and over as well. What’s in there? And do you really want to breathe it?

Because ductwork can stay in position for many years—decades, even—it’s easy to forget about it. Generally, it’s behind your walls, or up in your attic, where you don’t have a clear view even of the outside of the ducts. And the inside is a total mystery! If it’s been awhile since you’ve had your ducts cleaned, have it done now! It’ll make the air you breathe this winter so much fresher.

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Don’t Forget Heating Maintenance!

October 28th, 2024

As the temperature cools down, you might be tempted to just relax and enjoy it. After all, it was a long, hot summer. Autumn is gorgeous in our area. But you don’t want to be caught unprepared by winter weather. You’ve got some things to do, and taking care of your furnace should be high on your list.

Yes, even though we don’t use our heating systems as much as folks do in places like Maine or Minnesota, we do need them, and now is the time to make sure they’re ready to keep us cozy when we need them to. Annual professional heating system maintenance will keep your furnace in good condition.

What would happen if you didn’t have it done? Read on to find out.

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Get Your HVAC System Ready for Fall

October 14th, 2024

It might seem like the weather has just started to cool down. But autumn is officially here, and that means winter is also on its way! You don’t want to be caught unprepared. There are things you should be doing to make sure your HVAC system is ready to make the switch from cooling to heating. Here’s a checklist for you!

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